Sunday, August 9, 2009


A pregnant woman who does not know the mechanics of labor will, naturally, be tense and frightened.This only increases the pain. Yoga is a simple technique that strengthens the body and enables it to tackle new developments with maximum ease and comfort.

Yoga makes people look within and understand the body mechanism. It is a great preparatory technique to help pregnant women cope with what has to come.
Here are a few tips for pre-natal (pregnancy) care:
The general Yogasanas can, if you wish, be done only for the first 2 months.
Suggested pranayamas for pregnant women :•
  • Vajrasana
  • Padmasana
  • Sukhasana
  • Shavasana
Always end your Yoga session with this asana to r
elax your body. The meaning of relaxation is undoing tensed muscles and hence it is synonymous to reduction of pain.

'Pranayama' or breathing exercises should be done twice daily. This is to facilitate complete expulsion of carbon dioxide that will give way for fresh intake of oxygen.

Suggested breathing exercises are:•
Please click on the above link to view the procedure ..

Deep or free breathing at the rate of 5 breaths per minute also contributes to relaxation as compared to the normal rate of 18-20 breaths per minute. We also advise an enema once a week to make way for proper elimination from the intestine. Regular morning and evening walks are compulsory.As far as diet goes, spices, salts, sweets and fat should be drastically reduced. Have starchy foods in moderation and plenty of fruits, vegetables, juices, curd, buttermilk and sprouts. Preferably, avoid foods that take a long to digest such as non-vegetarian food and dairy products. Due to the property of salts to retain water, it can lead to high blood pressure and swelling of the feet. For this reason, minimum intake of salt is recommended.



Like Padmasana, this is also the Asana for meditation. One can sit comfortably for a prolonged period in this Asana.


  1. Flold the left leg in the knee and place the toe on the floor.
  2. Fold the right leg in the knee and place the toe on the floor and join the two toes.
  3. Sit on the pit formed by the parted heels.
  4. Place the palms on the knees.

It is important to keep the spine, the neck and the head, upright in one straight line in this Asana. Keep the sight fixed at the level of the height. Don't have any pressure on the hands. The whole weight of the body be set on the spine. Continue smooth breathing, when the final position is attained.


After a little practice, this Asana can be maintained for a long time. In the daily routine it should be kept for five minutes to experience good results. With more practice it can be kept for three hours.


The people having stiff joints and whose movements have become difficult, should practice this Asana with a lot of care. Such persons should practice this Asana after getting the joints free and relaxed.

Please click on that to view the procedure and the benefits


The Easy Pose or Sukhasana is a relaxation pose intended for Meditation. It promotes inner calm and straightens the spine, opens the hips, and relieves tiredness. As the name suggests, this pose is very easy to do. In this section, learn how to do the Easy Pose.
  • Sit down on the floor or a Yoga Mat.
  • Cross your legs, placing your feet below your knees.
  • Clasp your hands around your knees.
  • Keep your head and body straight.
  • Beginners can try doing this pose with a thick cushion for added comfort.

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