Wednesday, August 5, 2009



  • Excess accumulation of fats (Resulting in increased weight)
  • In today's technology dominated world, physical activity has decreased resulting in accumulation of fats.
  • Obesity may become reason for various other diseases.
  • Obesity is physical, mental and emotional
We can attribute many causes to obesity.

Food Habits
  • Excess consumption of fats, protein diet

  • Eating food, which is sugar rich

  • Consuming food all the time, which includes milk, butter, cheese, oily food, non-vegetarian food, tea, coffee, bakery products, rice etc.

  • Not eating raw food, fruits, vegetables rich in fibers

  • Stress plays a vital role in causing obesity. Psychological disturbances propel a person to seek comfort in food -such a person may consume excess food. Children suffering from such disturbances, tend to become obese.
  • Nervous tension and disturbances in emotional and mental health can lead to obesity.
  • Hereditary factors also play an important part in making a person obese
  • Lack of exercise

  • When a person suffers from excess weight, the process of breathing is affected, which slows down agile physical movements. An obese person is also likely to suffer diseases like blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes etc.
  • Obese persons also suffer emotionally and show withdrawal symptoms i.e., they are usually shy to show themselves up. They also suffer abnormal hunger pangs and seem to be consumed with thoughts of food. Laziness and indolence becomes their second nature.

  • Practice of pranayam means regularly and systematic breathing
  • Regular and excess practice of pranayam mainly KAPALBHATHI and ANULOMVILOM helps to reduce excess fat
  • Practice 20 - 30 min of kapalbhathi and 20 - 30 min of anulom vilom.
  • Person can increase gradually the time of those pranayam.
  • Pranayam is the best solution for obesity
  • Yoga has considered all aspects of Obesity (physical, emotional and mental)
  • Regular practice of Yoga and controlled life style reduces obesity (weight is reduced).
  • Yoga makes human being agile, efficient and slim.
  • Yoga is suitable for people in any age group.
  • Yoga helps achieve control over mind and behavior (one can easily control food habits and change life style to reduce the obesity.)
  • Yoga has different effect on obesity, which is permanent in nature than other techniques for obesity reduction. Weight loss is permanent but one needs to practice few important techniques regularly.
  • Regular exercise like running, swimming etc

  • Yogasanas like Paschimotasana, , Sarvangasana, Halasana,Dhanurasana,Veerasana,Trikonasana etc

  • Along with Yogasanas Sun salutation is very effective for obesity reduction, also Pranayama, cleansing processes like agnisar, uddiyan bandha etc helps

  • The lunch and dinner timings should be fixed
  • The time difference 2 meals should be 4 hours
  • Low fat meal, with fiber rich vegetables and fruits should be taken.
  • Reduce fats, excess calories, sweets, milk, butter, cheese etc in meals.
  • Do not sleep for more than 6 to 7 hours
  • Try to stop addictions such as smoking, drinking alcohol or any other drugs

1. Sit on a mat with your legs stretched straight out in front of you.

2. Breathe OUT. Slowly bend forward, trying to touch your feet. Don't bend your knees.

3. If you feel a constriction while bending, straighten up slightly and then try and bend further forward.

4. Don't push yourself too hard. You may not be able to get very far if you are a beginner. Don't get impatient and push yourself too hard. You will only injure your muscles. Just bend forward as far as you can go.

5. It is important that you hold this pose. There is no point in just bouncing back and forth.

6. Exhale, while returning to normal position.


Dont perform this aasan if you have back problem or athama



Lie down on a mat, on your stomach.

2. Bring your feet up, by bending your knees.

3. Hold your ankles with your hands.

4. Breathe IN. Use the force of your hands, pull your feet so your thighs are off the floor. Simultaneously, lift your head, shoulders and chest from the floor.

5. Look up.

6. Hold this pose for around five to eight seconds, more if possible.

7. Your body would be in the shape of a bow, with only your stomach and pelvic area resting on the floor. The entire weight of your body would essentially be concentrated on your navel area.



  1. Stand straight in the resting before you start with the pose.
  2. Put your left foot forward and stretch it on the floor to the maximum from the initial place.
  3. Bring both the hands together, join the palms and place them on the knees of the left leg.
  4. Bend the left leg at the knee in such a way that the thigh and the calf come in 90 degrees.
  5. Keep the right leg straight.
  6. Raise the joined hands up and take them back above the head and then without bending the hands in the elbows, bend the head backward and keep the sight backward down.
  7. The front leg should be bent in 90 degrees angle and the back leg should be straight.
  8. Keep the toes frontward.
  9. The back leg, the back, the neck and both the hands form a very good arch in this position and this forming of arch is desirable, too.
  10. The body should be weighed backward and keeping the arms near the ears, the neck should also be bent downwards.
  11. Start bringing the body forward and place the hands on the knee. Look in the front.
  12. Straighten the knee and restore the hands to their original place.
  13. Restore the left leg to its place and take up standing position.
  14. Repeat the same with the right leg.

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