Sunday, August 23, 2009



Asanas are beneficial in treatment of diabetes. Due to various twists, stretches and strains in the body, the internal organs are stretched and subjected to strain. The increases the blood supply, oxygen supply to the organs and thus increasing the efficiency and functioning of the organ. Stretching various glands results in increased efficiency of the endocrine system. Because during asanas, there is direct influence and pancreatic of the pancreatic secretion by rejuvenation of the pancreatic cell. There is reduction in blood sugar due to muscular exercise performed in the asanas. During yogic asanas various postures are maintained. The best time for yogic asanas is early mornings and evenings. Generally, Yogic exercise are performed on an empty stomach or if in the evening, there should be a gap of at least half on hour after light snacks and of three hours after a meal. It has been recommended that people who suffer from diabetic can eat something immediately after performing exercises. The asanas should be done in an area that is clean, airy and far away from noise pollution. The person should be wearing light, loose and airy clothes. During performing yogic exercise, person should sit on the floor. Generally, the ward Parmatma means the universal soul. Before starting exercises, patient should measure ones exercise, patients should measure ones exercise toleration. He/she should start with simple movements and positions before progressing into complicated postures. Person should focus on the breath during the maintenance period of the posture, with the eyes closed o0r focused on the point. It is done so as to learn how to focus mind and the proper way to manage stress and tensions in the body. The postures found to be effective in the control and cure of various diseases are as follow.

It is a very good stretching exercise in which the posterior muscles are stretched and relaxed. The main advantages of this exercise is that @ It calms the brain and helps relieves stress and milk depression (b) It stretches the spine, shoulders (c) It improves digestion (d) It stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries and uterus (e) It helps in relieving the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort (f) It soothes headache and anxiety and reduces fatigue (g) This exercise also increases appetite, reduces obesity and cure diabetes.
Paschimottanasana is contraindicated in patients with Asthma, Back Injury and Diarrhoea.


Person should sit on the floor with buttocks supported on a folded blanket.
Stretch the legs out in frant, keeping them close to each other.
Bend the trunk and head forward from the waist without bending the knees and clasp the big toes with the fingers of the hand.
While holding the toes and without bending the knees, the person should rest his forehead on his knees.
This final pose is holded for a four seconds.
Then the person should return to the starting position slowly and slowly.
Care must be taken that, the pregnant women and the people who suffer from low back pain and slipped disc should not perform this exercise.


Jalaneti is a very effective method to provide relief from allergies, common cold and even asthma. It really works wonder in relieving headaches and facilitates in maintaining youthfulness. Jalanetis is in a form of saline nasal irrigation, which helps thousands of people to relieve from sinus infection. It clears away the impurities in nasal passage and throat. So, the diseases caused by impurities in the nasal passage can be easily get rid off. It also shows remarkable effect in case of hay fever. It provides relief instantly and naturally.


Person should take a clean jalaneti pot.
Pot is filled with warm slightly salted water.
The person should stand erect and the head is tilted slightly to the right.
Then the spout of the pot is inserted into the left nostril and the water is flowed into it.
Person should inhale and exhale through the mouth, hence allowing the water to flow out through the right mostril.
This procedure is reversed by tilting the head to the left and allowing the water to flow from the right to the left nostril.
Jalaneti is not as hard or uncomfortable as one may think at first. It is a very simple and effective method of health maintanance. Once, and individual learns the way to perform it, he can incorporate this exercise into his daily routine of body cleaning of the teeth. Mostly, patients should perform, Jalaneti only in the morning.


Bend the knees and holding them together sit down.
Place the buttocks over both the soles.
Keep the fingers closed.
Hold the spinal chord and the neck staright.
Place the palms over the knees.
Relax and close the eyes.
Remain conscious towards the physical balance and breathing.
Do not allow the body to move forward or backward.
Hold the big toes over each other provided the body is flexible enough.
Practice this according to one’s time and comfort particularly just after the meal.
During this period breath from abdoman.
Vajrasana can be performed even after meals.

Pranayams like 'Anulom-Vilom' and 'Kapalbhati' are found very useful in the diabetes

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