Monday, August 24, 2009



Gluttony and Wrong diet i.e. eating more fried items, more than necessary chilies,
low or no consumption of fruits, salad, fibers in the food, milk and curd.
Eating at odd hours,
Eating without proper chewing, eating more slippery food.
Insufficient exercise or not exercising at all are the additional reasons responsible for bad digestion are also responsible for hyperacidity.
Tobacco chewing smoking
Certain foods or medications (alcohol, coffee, aspirin),
Mental ill-health,

Over stimulation of the vagus (Xth) nerve (vagus nerve is a part of a para-sympathetic nerve).


Patient should take food 3 to 4 times in small proportions.
eat peacefully chewing thoroughly.
little oil.
those patients who have a tendency to get hyperacidity, they should eat easily digestible and fibrous food, which is fully cooked and steamed.
Avoid heavy food completely




Lie prone on the floor. Stretch your legs back, tops of the feet on the floor. Spread your hands on the floor under your shoulders. Hug the elbows back into your body.
Press the tops of the feet and thighs and the pubis firmly into the floor.
On an inhalation, begin to straighten the arms to lift the chest off the floor, going only to the height at which you can maintain a connection through your pubis to your legs. Press the tailbone toward the pubis and lift the pubis toward the navel. Narrow the hip points. Firm but don't harden the buttocks.
Firm the shoulder blades against the back, puffing the side ribs forward. Lift through the top of the sternum but avoid pushing the front ribs forward, which only hardens the lower back. Distribute the backbend evenly throughout the entire spine.
Hold the pose anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds, breathing easily. Release back to the floor with an exhalation.



Sit with legs extended together, hands by the side of the body, palm resting on the ground, fingers of the hands together pointing forward.
Fold the right leg at the knee and place the foot under the right buttock.Sole will remain inside.
Similarly folding the left foot, place it under the left buttock.
Hands resting on the respective thighs.
Sit erect, gaze in front close the eyes.
While returning to the original position,bend little towards right side take out your left leg and extend it.
Similarly extend your right leg and return to the original position.



Take prone lying position, legs together, toes of the legs backward, sole towards the sky. Hands by the side, palms upward, fingers together the ground.
Folding both the hands at elbows bring them under the shoulder (as in Bhujangasana) fingers together, pointing forward
Now raise both the legs upward slowly without bending them at knees, and maintain.
Then bring the legs down slowly.
Salabhasana (Second techniqe)The only difference in Salabhasana practised traditionally is in the position of hands. In this technique the legs are raised keeping hands straight by the side, closing the fists and fingers towards sky. The remaining technique is same.

The followoing Exercises also found very helpful in hyperacidity, please click on the name below to follow the procedure and posture

Yoga Mudra
Surya Namaskara
Bhastrika Pranayama

Sunday, August 23, 2009



Asanas are beneficial in treatment of diabetes. Due to various twists, stretches and strains in the body, the internal organs are stretched and subjected to strain. The increases the blood supply, oxygen supply to the organs and thus increasing the efficiency and functioning of the organ. Stretching various glands results in increased efficiency of the endocrine system. Because during asanas, there is direct influence and pancreatic of the pancreatic secretion by rejuvenation of the pancreatic cell. There is reduction in blood sugar due to muscular exercise performed in the asanas. During yogic asanas various postures are maintained. The best time for yogic asanas is early mornings and evenings. Generally, Yogic exercise are performed on an empty stomach or if in the evening, there should be a gap of at least half on hour after light snacks and of three hours after a meal. It has been recommended that people who suffer from diabetic can eat something immediately after performing exercises. The asanas should be done in an area that is clean, airy and far away from noise pollution. The person should be wearing light, loose and airy clothes. During performing yogic exercise, person should sit on the floor. Generally, the ward Parmatma means the universal soul. Before starting exercises, patient should measure ones exercise, patients should measure ones exercise toleration. He/she should start with simple movements and positions before progressing into complicated postures. Person should focus on the breath during the maintenance period of the posture, with the eyes closed o0r focused on the point. It is done so as to learn how to focus mind and the proper way to manage stress and tensions in the body. The postures found to be effective in the control and cure of various diseases are as follow.

It is a very good stretching exercise in which the posterior muscles are stretched and relaxed. The main advantages of this exercise is that @ It calms the brain and helps relieves stress and milk depression (b) It stretches the spine, shoulders (c) It improves digestion (d) It stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries and uterus (e) It helps in relieving the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort (f) It soothes headache and anxiety and reduces fatigue (g) This exercise also increases appetite, reduces obesity and cure diabetes.
Paschimottanasana is contraindicated in patients with Asthma, Back Injury and Diarrhoea.


Person should sit on the floor with buttocks supported on a folded blanket.
Stretch the legs out in frant, keeping them close to each other.
Bend the trunk and head forward from the waist without bending the knees and clasp the big toes with the fingers of the hand.
While holding the toes and without bending the knees, the person should rest his forehead on his knees.
This final pose is holded for a four seconds.
Then the person should return to the starting position slowly and slowly.
Care must be taken that, the pregnant women and the people who suffer from low back pain and slipped disc should not perform this exercise.


Jalaneti is a very effective method to provide relief from allergies, common cold and even asthma. It really works wonder in relieving headaches and facilitates in maintaining youthfulness. Jalanetis is in a form of saline nasal irrigation, which helps thousands of people to relieve from sinus infection. It clears away the impurities in nasal passage and throat. So, the diseases caused by impurities in the nasal passage can be easily get rid off. It also shows remarkable effect in case of hay fever. It provides relief instantly and naturally.


Person should take a clean jalaneti pot.
Pot is filled with warm slightly salted water.
The person should stand erect and the head is tilted slightly to the right.
Then the spout of the pot is inserted into the left nostril and the water is flowed into it.
Person should inhale and exhale through the mouth, hence allowing the water to flow out through the right mostril.
This procedure is reversed by tilting the head to the left and allowing the water to flow from the right to the left nostril.
Jalaneti is not as hard or uncomfortable as one may think at first. It is a very simple and effective method of health maintanance. Once, and individual learns the way to perform it, he can incorporate this exercise into his daily routine of body cleaning of the teeth. Mostly, patients should perform, Jalaneti only in the morning.


Bend the knees and holding them together sit down.
Place the buttocks over both the soles.
Keep the fingers closed.
Hold the spinal chord and the neck staright.
Place the palms over the knees.
Relax and close the eyes.
Remain conscious towards the physical balance and breathing.
Do not allow the body to move forward or backward.
Hold the big toes over each other provided the body is flexible enough.
Practice this according to one’s time and comfort particularly just after the meal.
During this period breath from abdoman.
Vajrasana can be performed even after meals.

Pranayams like 'Anulom-Vilom' and 'Kapalbhati' are found very useful in the diabetes

Friday, August 21, 2009


  • Colds are considered to be the immune system's response to viral invasion.

  • It is characterized by sneezing, scratchy throat, and runny nose.

  • People with Colds may also have a sore throat, cough, Headache, mild fever, fatigue, muscle aches, and experience loss of appetite.

  • Colds are caused by more than 200 different viruses such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

  • Once the virus enters the body, it infects the cells in the nose which send signals that result to the production of white blood cells.

  • These white blood cells will then emit immune system chemicals and cause the swelling of the nasal membranes, leakage of proteins and fluids from capillaries and lymph vessels and the increased mucus production.

  • Actual Cold symptoms usually begin two or three days after a person is infected and usually lasts from two to 14 days.

  • If your Cold lasts for more than two weeks, it will be best to consult a doctor since this may be the result of an allergy.

  • Colds associated with high fever, swollen glands, severe facial pain in the sinuses, and cough that produces mucus may be caused by an underlying chronic ailment and requires medical attention.

  • The strength of a person's immune system plays an important part in the prevention of Colds. Yoga, on the other hand, deals with holistic development of the person. It includes healthy living which means getting enough sleep, eating healthy food , drinking plenty of liquid, and no tobacco.

  • This Yogic Lifestyle will not only help in preventing Cold but in improving a person's health and strengthening his immune system lessening his susceptibility to Colds.

  • Mild exercise in the form of the Asanas can also contribute in making the body fitter.

  • Having a positive outlook in life, learning how to relax your mind and body can also give you an edge in managing emotional and psychological stress and lessen your vulnerability to Cold virus.

the following yoga exercises can help defence against the cold


Kapalabhati is a Breathing Technique used specifically for cleansing. If you have a lot of mucus in the air passages or feel tension and blockages in the chest it is often helpful to breathe quickly. This article will introduce you to this breathing techniques and show you its its benefits.


The Mountain Yoga pose promotes the experience of stillness, strength, relaxed power, and immovable stability associated with mountains. This yoga posture, and coming back to this stillness after other poses, is one of the ways of becoming acquainted with stillness.


The Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is a Yoga Pose which limbers up the whole body in preparation for the Yoga Asanas. It is a graceful sequence of twelve Yoga positions performed as one continuous exercise. Learn how to practice Sun Salutation in this section.


Perform the Boat Pose to strengthen your abdominal area and hip flexor, tone muscles in the midsection, improve digestion, and relieve stress. You can use a Yoga Strap to aid you in holding the pose longer or if you cannot keep your legs straight.


If the Cobra Pose works mainly on the upper back, the Locust Pose targets the lower part. This posture also strengthens the abdominal area, arms, and legs. Another thing that makes it different from many poses is that it entails rapid movement. Check out how it is done in this section.


The Cat Yoga Pose teaches you to initiate movement from your center and to coordinate your movement and breath. These are two of the most important themes in Yoga practice. Keep in mind that the Cat Pose may not be advisable if you have any chronic or recent back pain or injury.

the following exersises also help you to get defence against the cold







Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Feeling stiff on your back? Having pain in your knees and wrists perhaps? You are then most likely suffering from arthritis, a disease which causes inflammation or swelling of the joints. Arthritis is among the more common diseases in the world. It affects 40% of Americans aged 45 to 64 and 60% of those aged 65 and older

Popular belief holds that arthritis is a sickness of the aged. But while age does increase the risk and vulnerability of people to arthritis, even children, teenagers, and young adults can have it. Cases of arthritis among children are generally termed as Juvenile Arthritis

Physical movment helps to cure arthritis
The slow, controlled physical movement of joints is helpful for Arthritis patients. It improves the blood circulation in joints, removing unwanted toxins and other waste products. But the problem in the patients is if patient tries to move his limbs & joints then pain increases so patient does not move the limbs and problem increases. So it is vicious cycle, because of pain no movements and because there is no movement, the situation becomes worse. So patient should keep doing the movements which are possible for him.

Pranayams hepls to cure arthritis
Simple Pranayama is recommended, which involved deep breathing, special type of Pranayama with Inhalation via right nostril and exhalation via both nostrils but creating a sound of Hmm.. (Honey bee Sound) from the throat is found to be very effective in Arthritis patients.

Home remedies for arthritis
Drinking boiled water with dry ginger once a day-
Before taking shower / bath, massage the painful part / joint with Castor Oil.-
Before going to bed, drink 2 spoons of Castor oil + 1 spoon Honey + ¼ cup warm

here are the some aasans which help you dealing with arthritis

single leg raised

This Yoga Pose is performed in order to prepare the body for other exercises. It benefits the legs, lower back muscles, and abdominal area. In practicing the Single Leg Raise, one leg is raised while the other one stays on the floor.

Shoulder stretches

Shoulder Stretches are great in relieving stress and tension on your shoulders, as well as your entire upper back. Practice them daily for several weeks and notice the changes. Learn some basic stretches for the shoulders in this section

Neck exercises

Many people hold tension in their necks and shoulders, leading to stiffness, bad posture, and tension headaches. Yoga practice can ease tension, increase flexibility, and tone the muscles. Learn some Neck Exercises in this section.

Standing side stretch

The Standing Side Stretch is another Yoga Pose with two lines of energy radiating outward from your center. This is a simple Yoga Posture with a wonderful stretch in which one line of energy reaches upward from your belly and outward through the arm, and one line travels downward through the legs.

Wrist bending
Your wrists can also be affected by arthritis, specifically Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Take good care of your wrists through stretching and bending. Learn how to improve the range of motion of your wrists by doing the Wrist Bending Exercise

Ankle bending

repeated strain or sprain in the ankles can contribute to the occurrence of Ankle Arthritis. Manage stress and keep your ankles in good condition through therapy, having enough rest, and by doing the Ankle Bending Exercise.

Ankle rotation
Pay attention to your ankles to avoid muscle or tendon strain due to too much training. Perform the Ankle Rotation Exercise and make your ankles more flexible. This is also ideal for people who are suffering from arthritis.

Avoid following food
- Non vegetarian food
- high protein diet
- hot & spicy food
- deep fried food
- bakery products
- Cold drinks, soft drinks, aerated drinks
- Fast food
- Do not overeat

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



  • Every living animal on the planet has blood pressure; there is no exception to this rule. The blood flows through the body with certain pressure, but if the pressure is higher than the normal range then it is a disease, which is called High Blood Pressure or sometimes the blood pressure drops below the normal range, then it is called Low Blood Pressure.
    For the blood to reach all parts of the body, it has certain pressure. This pressure is created because of contraction of heart. Sometimes for various reasons these blood pressure increases, for example fearful situation, anger, anxiety, excessive thinking, mental tensions or even for physical exertion. During these situations the heart comes under extra workload. But when the situation changes and comes to normal, so also the blood pressure. This temporary change in Blood Pressure is not disease but when this Blood pressure remains high always, it becomes a disease.


        • Pranayama is control of breath, breathing & blood circulation system, heart have close relation between them. Also these are dependant on mental activities. If mental strain increases the breathing rate is affected. In Pranayama the breathing is controlled and the rate is reduced, which reduces the strain on heart and also the rate. This increases the stability of mind and mental activities are also controlled.Even simple breathing exercises like Deep breathing, Quiet Breathing help reduce the mental stresses and strains.Also the Pranic force in the body is balanced with the regular practice of Pranayama, which restores the physical and mental balance. Some Pranayama techniques affect the functioning of nervous system, which again help restore the balance.Pranayama reduces the need of oxygen, so also the production of carbon dioxide. So the respiration rate reduces. In various Pranayama techniques Ujjayi Pranayam balances the Pranic flow of energy in the body. Ujjayi also affects carotid sinus, which help reduce BP. Nadishodhan Pranayam controls the Pranic flow. But people suffering from BP should not practice Kumbhaka (retention of breath) but only inhalation and exhalation.




        • Fold the left leg in the knee and place the toe on the floor.
          Fold the right leg in the knee and place the toe on the floor and join the two toes.
          Sit on the pit formed by the parted heels.
          Place the palms on the knees.

        • for more about vajrasana click on the link 'vajrasana'



        STEP 1: Lie down on your back with your legs straight and your feet together. Place your hands, palms down, underneath your thighs.

        STEP 2:Pressing down on your elbows, inhale and arch your back. Drop your head back so that the top of your head is on the floor, but your weight should rest on your elbows. Exhale. Breathe deeply while in the position, keeping your legs and lower torso relaxed. To come out of the pose, lift your head and place it gently back down, then release the arms.



        • Rotate your legs in and out, and then let them fall gently out to the sides.
          Let your arms fall alongside your body, slightly separated from the body, palms facing upwards.
          Rotate the spine by turning your head from side to side to center it.
          Then start stretching yourself out, as though someone is pulling your head away from your feet, your shoulders down and away from your neck, your legs down and away from your pelvis.
          Breathe deeply and slowly from your abdomen.
          Hold the pose for several minutes. Make your mind still and concentrate on your breath or the body.
          After doing the pose, bend your knees. Using your legs, push yourself onto one side.
          Push yourself in a sitting position.


        The yoga practitioner give the special importance to eye exrcises mainly because of two reason

        • Firstly, a lot of eye problems in later life are due to a loss of tone in the eye muscles.
        • These muscles become rigid, and this loss of elasticity reduces the ability of the lens of the eye to focus at different distances.
        • It also causes the eyesight to become weaker.
        • These exercises tone the eye muscles up and keep them elastic.
        • If you already have eye problems when you begin these exercises, you will find your eyesight improving after a few months.

        • Secondly, any eye tension present will tend to produce a general feeling of tension, due to the eye's connection to the brain via the optic nerve.
        • What happens is that eye tension produces an increase in the nerve impulses in the eye muscles.
        • This increase in nerve impulses travels along the optic nerve and bombards the brain, causing a general feeling of tension and anxiety.
        • The eye exercises will reduce tension in the eye muscles, as well as reduce general tension.
        • It is best to do these eye exercises while lying down after you've finished the asanas.
        • This way you're resting after the asanas and doing the eye exercises at the same time, thus reducing the time taken to do your yoga routine.
        • When doing the eye exercises keep your eyes open and don't move your head.
        • Sitting (as in the exercises for the neck given above), open your eyes, then check on your posture.
        • Is your spine erect? Hands on the knees? Body relaxed? Head straight? That is how you should always remain while doing eye exercises.
        • The whole body must be motionless; nothing must move except the eyes.
          Raise your eyes and find a small point that you can see clearly without straining, without frowning, without becoming tense and, of course, without moving your head. While doing this exercise look at this point each time you raise your eyes.
          Next, lower your eyes to find a small point on the floor which you can see clearly when glancing down. Look at it each time you lower your eyes. Breathing should be normal. In other words, you don't have to do deep breathing.

        Exercise 1

        • Move your eyes upwards as far as you can, and then downwards as far as you can. Repeat four more times. Blink quickly a few times 1 to relax the eye muscles.

        Exercise 2

        • Now do the same using points to your right and to your left, at eye level. Keep your raised fingers or two pencils on each side as guides and adjust them so that you can see them clearly when moving the eyes to the right and to the left, but without straining.
          Keeping the fingers at eye level, and moving only the eyes, look to the right at your chosen point, then to the left. Repeat four times. Blink several times, then close your eyes and rest.
        Exercise 3

        • Choose a point you can see from the right corner of your eyes when you raise them, and another that you can see from the left corner of your eyes when you lower them, half closing the lids. Remember to retain your original posture: spine erect, hands on knees, head straight and motionless.
          Look at your chosen point in right corner up, then to the one in left corner down. Repeat four times. Blink several times. Close the eyes and rest.
          Now do the same exercise in reverse. That is, first look to the left corner up, then to the right corner down. Repeat four times. Blink several times. Close the eyes and rest.

        Exercise 4

        • This exercise should not be done until three or four days after you have begun eye exercises given here.
          Slowly roll your eyes first clockwise, then counterclockwise as follows: Lower your eyes and look at the floor, then slowly move the eyes to the left, higher and higher until you see the ceiling. Now continue circling to the right, lower and lower down, until you see the floor again. Do this slowly, making a full-vision circle. Blink, close your eyes and rest. Then repeat the same action counterclockwise.
          Do this five times then blink the eyes for at least five seconds.
          When rolling the eyes, make as large a circle as possible, so that you feet a little strain as you do the exercise. This stretches the eye muscles to the maximum extent, giving better results.

        Exercise 5

        • Next comes a changing-vision exercise. While doing it you alternately shift your vision from close to distant points several times.
          Take a pencil, or use your finger, and hold it under the tip of your nose. Then start moving it away, without raising it, until you have fixed it at the closest possible distance where you can see it clearly without any blur. Then raise your eyes a little, look straight into the distance and there find a small point which you can also see very clearly.
          Now look at the closer point-the pencil or your finger tip then shift to the farther point in the distance. Repeat several times, blink, close your eyes and squeeze them tight.

        Exercise 6

        • Close your eyes as tightly as you possibly can. Really squeeze the eyes, so the eye muscles contract. Hold this contraction for three seconds, and then let go quickly.
          This exercise causes a deep relaxation of the eye muscles, and is especially beneficial after the slight strain caused by the eye exercises. Blink the eyes a few times.

        Exercise 7

        • This exercise is called 'palming' and is very relaxing to the eyes. It is also most important for preserving the eyesight. Palming also has a beneficial, relaxing effect on your nervous system.
          It's an ideal way to finish off the eye exercises.
          Remain seated on the floor. Draw up your knees, keeping your feet on the floor and slightly apart. Now briskly rub your palms to charge them with electricity and place the cupped palms over your closed eyes. The fingers of the right hand should be crossed over the fingers of the left hand on the forehead. The elbows should rest on your raised knees and the neck should be kept straight. Don't bend your head. Do the deep breathing while palming your eyes.
          If you are going to do the palming for longer than a few minutes, better sit down at a table, place some books or pillows in front of you to support your elbows so that you will be able to keep the neck straight, and palm the eyes in this position. If the palming is done for only a short period one can do deep breathing for half a minute or so at first, gradually increasing it every week.


        This exercise helps to do away with eye strain, and tension. Your vision will get better and clearer as the ophthalmic, or eye, nerves receive a richer supply of blood. Some people use this to improve their vision.

        Sunday, August 9, 2009


        A pregnant woman who does not know the mechanics of labor will, naturally, be tense and frightened.This only increases the pain. Yoga is a simple technique that strengthens the body and enables it to tackle new developments with maximum ease and comfort.

        Yoga makes people look within and understand the body mechanism. It is a great preparatory technique to help pregnant women cope with what has to come.
        Here are a few tips for pre-natal (pregnancy) care:
        The general Yogasanas can, if you wish, be done only for the first 2 months.
        Suggested pranayamas for pregnant women :•
        • Vajrasana
        • Padmasana
        • Sukhasana
        • Shavasana
        Always end your Yoga session with this asana to r
        elax your body. The meaning of relaxation is undoing tensed muscles and hence it is synonymous to reduction of pain.

        'Pranayama' or breathing exercises should be done twice daily. This is to facilitate complete expulsion of carbon dioxide that will give way for fresh intake of oxygen.

        Suggested breathing exercises are:•
        Please click on the above link to view the procedure ..

        Deep or free breathing at the rate of 5 breaths per minute also contributes to relaxation as compared to the normal rate of 18-20 breaths per minute. We also advise an enema once a week to make way for proper elimination from the intestine. Regular morning and evening walks are compulsory.As far as diet goes, spices, salts, sweets and fat should be drastically reduced. Have starchy foods in moderation and plenty of fruits, vegetables, juices, curd, buttermilk and sprouts. Preferably, avoid foods that take a long to digest such as non-vegetarian food and dairy products. Due to the property of salts to retain water, it can lead to high blood pressure and swelling of the feet. For this reason, minimum intake of salt is recommended.



        Like Padmasana, this is also the Asana for meditation. One can sit comfortably for a prolonged period in this Asana.


        1. Flold the left leg in the knee and place the toe on the floor.
        2. Fold the right leg in the knee and place the toe on the floor and join the two toes.
        3. Sit on the pit formed by the parted heels.
        4. Place the palms on the knees.

        It is important to keep the spine, the neck and the head, upright in one straight line in this Asana. Keep the sight fixed at the level of the height. Don't have any pressure on the hands. The whole weight of the body be set on the spine. Continue smooth breathing, when the final position is attained.


        After a little practice, this Asana can be maintained for a long time. In the daily routine it should be kept for five minutes to experience good results. With more practice it can be kept for three hours.


        The people having stiff joints and whose movements have become difficult, should practice this Asana with a lot of care. Such persons should practice this Asana after getting the joints free and relaxed.

        Please click on that to view the procedure and the benefits


        The Easy Pose or Sukhasana is a relaxation pose intended for Meditation. It promotes inner calm and straightens the spine, opens the hips, and relieves tiredness. As the name suggests, this pose is very easy to do. In this section, learn how to do the Easy Pose.
        • Sit down on the floor or a Yoga Mat.
        • Cross your legs, placing your feet below your knees.
        • Clasp your hands around your knees.
        • Keep your head and body straight.
        • Beginners can try doing this pose with a thick cushion for added comfort.


        Symptoms of hyperthyroidism

        Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include heat intolerance, nervousness, increased irritability, increased heart rate, palpitations, tremors, weight loss and increased frequency of defecation.
        Women could have decreased frequency of mense
        s. In hyperthyroidism, the lab investigation shows a low TSH and a high T3 together with a rise in the total and free T4 levels.

        In hypothyroidism, the patient also suffers from fatigue, depression and sometimes even symptoms of mild psychosis. The serum cholesterol levels may be raised and th

        ere could be severe anemia. Deep relaxation techniques in the form of cyclic meditation are recommended f

        or 30 minutes and PRANAYAM for HYPERTHYROID.

        This will reduce the rate of metabolism.

        For hypothyroidism the Yoga practice should include stimulation followed by relaxation. This includes three to six rounds of the following:

        • Surya Namaskar
        • Sarvangasana
        • Matsyasana
        • Halasana
        • Sputa Vajrasana
        • Bhujangasana
        • Dhanurasana

        These should be followed by Anuloma-Viloma 27 rounds

        4 times in a day increases the metabolic rate. Also practicing Yamas, Niyamas, Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga forms a vital and integral part of yogic way to cure this problem.

        Position 1:INHALE

        Inhale and maintain the position as shownin figure in standing position with hands joined together near chest, feet together and toes touching each other.

        Position 2:

        Exhale and bend forward in the waist till palms touch the ground in line with the toes. Don't bend knees while performing. At first you may find it difficult to attain the ideal position but try to bend as much as possible without bending in knees



        - While exhaling bend forward in the waist

        - Palms touching the ground, fingers pointing forward, thumbs at 90 degree angle
        - Legs straight
        - Try to touch the forehead to the knees

        - Relax the neck


        - Do not bend the knees.

        - Do not keep the neck tense.

        Position 3:

        Inhale and take the left leg back with left toes on the floor, press the waist Downwards

        and raise the neck, stretch the chest forward and push shoulders backwards. Keep the right leg and both the hands in the same position. Keep the right leg folded.


        - Take the left leg backwards and touch the knee to the floor, keeping the toes erect.
        - The knee of the right leg will be bent

        - The knee of the left leg should touch the ground

        - Drop the waist/ hips towards the floor
        - Gaze is upwards, both arms are straight


        - Do not bend the neck forward.

        - Do not bend the elbows.

        Position 4:

        Hold the breath and raise the knee of left leg. Take the right leg backwards and keep it close to the left leg. Straighten both the legs and both hands. Keep the neck straight and site fixed. Keep both the toes erect. Take care that the neck, spine, thighs and the feet are in a straight line.


        - Take the right leg back and place it beside the left leg, keeping the toes erect
        - Keep the body in one straight line – p
        lank position
        - Keep the arms straight

        - Gaze forward


        - Do not bend the arms

        - Do not look towards the floor
        - Do not drop the hips/waist towards the
        - Do not stick the buttocks into the air

        - Do not bend the knees

        Position 5:

        Exhaling bend both the hands in elbowsand touch forehead on the ground, touch the knees on the ground, keep both the elbows close to chest. The forehead, chest,both the palms, both the toes, knees should touch the ground and rest of the body not touching the floor. Since only eightparts rest on the ground , it is called ' Ashtanga' position.


        - Bring the body towards the floor placing the 8 parts on the floor: Toes, knees, chest, palms, and forehead

        - Keep the hands close to the body, next to the shoulders
        - Keep the elbows pointed to the sky and close in to the body

        - Do not touch the thighs, hips, waist or abdomen to the floor
        - Do not touch the chin to the floor

        - Do not let the elbows fall away from the body

        Position 6:

        Inhale and straighten the elbows, stretch the shoulders upwards, press the waist downwards but dont bend the arms. Keep the knees and toes on the floor. Push the neck backwards and site upwards.


        - Push the upper body upwards so that the arms are straight- Keep the fingers pointed forwards, palms on the ground, thumbs at 90 degree angle- Open the chest, pull the shoulders downwards
        - Drop the head and neck backwards and gaze upwards towards the sky
        - Keep the heels, legs and knees together
        - Keep the toes erect

        - Do not let the legs or heels be apart

        - Do not bend the elbows
        - Do not hunch the shoulders towards the

        Position 7:

        Hold the breath, bend the neck downwards and press the chin in the throat, push the body backwards and touch the heels on the ground, raise the waist upwards, do not move the palms on the floor.

        - Push the body upward so the buttocks an

        d waist are raised into the air, leaving the body in an Inverted ‘V’ position
        - Take the head and chin towards the chest
        - Try to touch the heels to the floor

        - Do not bend the legs in the knees

        - Do not bend the arms

        Position 8:

        Hold the breath as in position 7, bring the right leg in the front and place it in between the hands like in position 3 but instead of left leg in the front here take right leg and place left leg in the back with left knee and toes on the ground.


        - Take the right leg forward and place it between the hands
        - The knee of the right leg will be bent

        - The knee of the left leg should touch the ground
        - Drop the waist/ hips towards the floo
        - Gaze is upwards, both arms are straight


        - Do not bend the neck forward.

        - Do not bend the elbows.

        Position 9:

        Exhale and bring the left leg forwards as in the position 2 and place it in between both the arms.


        - Take the left leg forward and place it beside the right
        - Palms touching the ground, fingers pointing forward, thumbs at 90 degree angle
        - Legs straight

        - Try to touch the forehead to the knees

        - Relax the neck

        - Do not bend the knees.
        - Do not keep the neck tense.

        Position 10:

        Inhaling start getting up and attain the

        position as in position 1.


        STEP 1: Lie down on your back with your legs straight and your feet together. Place your hands, palms down, underneath your thighs.

        STEP 2:Pressing down on your elbows, inhale and a rch your back. Drop your head back so that the top of your head is on the floor, but your weight should rest on your elbows. Exhale. Breathe deeply while in the position, keeping your legs and lower tors o relaxed. To come out of the pose, lift your head and place it gently back down, then release the arms.

        Saturday, August 8, 2009



        • 1. Dry cough
        • 2. Difficulty in breathing
        • 3. Shortness of breath
        • 4. Feeling of lightness in the chest
        • 5. Wheezing (hissing or whistling sounds during exhalation.)
        • 6. Sometimes an attack is preceded by a running nose, irritated eyes, or an itchy throat.


        Factors that precipitate an asthma attack are called triggers. They cause the air passages to get clogged and constricted, making it difficult for the patient to breathe. The inflamed bronchioles generate more mucus and also cause the muscles around them to tighten and get irritated, constricting the airways. This is called a bronchospasm.
        However, asthma has a variety of causes.

        1. Allergy: For most it is an allergy to foods, perfumes, scents, body sprays, deodorizers, the weather, drugs or any other irritants. They vary from person to person. However, dust allergies seem to be the most common factor.

        2. Combination of Factors: For others, it is triggered off by a combination of allergic and non-allergic factors including stress and tension, air pollution or infections.

        3. Abnormal Body Chemistry: Asthma may result from the abnormal body chemistry involving the body’s enzymes or a defect in muscular action within the lungs.

        4. Heredity: In 75 to 100 per cent cases it has been found that when one or both parents suffer from asthma, the children have similar allergic reactions.

        • Tests carried out at Yoga Therapy Centers, across the world, have shown remarkable results in curing asthma. In some cases it has also been found that attacks can actually be averted, without the aid of drugs, just through yogic practices. There is ample research evidence to substantiate the fact that Yoga Therapy makes the treatment so much more successful. Nowadays, even allopathic and homeopathic doctors have arrived at the consensus that Yoga is an excellent alternative therapy for Asthma.




        1. Sit with your spine erect and your knees bent. Position the blocks on their broad sides on either side of your hips. Then place your palms on the blocks.
        2. Straighten each leg, one at a time,and join the inner sides of your legs and feet. Lengthen the calf muscles, and stretch your knees and toes. Keep your knees straight. Press your palms down on the blocks and stretch your elbows and arms.

        3. Lift your abdomen, freeing the diaphragm of tension. Hold the pose for 1 minute. Beginners may find it easier to separate their feet slightly, and should hold the pose for just 30 seconds.



        1. Sit on a bolster placed at right angles to your body. Place a side of your hips. Sit Dandasan in Bend your knees and join both soles together. Pull your heels closer to the bolster. Beginners mayfind it easier to use a bolster positioned parallel to the hips.

        2. Push your knees away from each other and lower them gradually onto the blocks. Open out your chest and draw in the abdomen. Initially, hold the pose for 1 minute. Gradually increase the duration of the asana to 5 minutes.



        • Sit against a wall. Then sit Dandasan in with your shoulders and back touching the wall. Keep your backerect. Sit on your buttock bones. Place your palms on the floor, beside your hips, fingers pointing forward. Look straight ahead.

        • Press your palms down on the floor to push your torso upward. Exhale, and spread your legs as far apart as possible. Use your hands, one by one, to help you push your legs even further outto the sides.Move your hands behind your buttoc

        • ks, and place both palms on the floor. Press your heels and highs down on the floor. Lift your waist and the sides of your torso. Rotate your thighs to the front so that the kneecaps face the ceiling. Shift your weight from the buttocks to the pelvic bone. Stretch each leg from thigh to heel. Hold the pose for 30 - 40 seconds.



        1. Stand in Tadasan facing a wall, about 1m (3.5 ft) away from it. Place 2 of the blocks on their broad sides, shoulder- idth apart, against the wall. Place the third block on its long side, 45cm (18in) away from the wall. Separateyour feet to a distance of 45cm(18in). Kneel, and place your palms on the two blocks against the wall.

        2. Press your palms down on the blocksand walk your feet back, until they are 1.2m (4ft) away from your hands. Make sure that your feet are in line with your hands and the same distance apart. Raise both heels, stretchyour legs, then lower your heels to the floor. Stretch your arms fully.

        3. Consciously stretch each leg from heel to buttock, and from the front of the ankle to the top of the thigh. Raise your buttocks, stretch your chest, and push your sternum toward your hands. Exhale, then rest your head on the third block. Press your hands down on the blocks,extending your arms fully. Stretch your spine and expand your chest. Keep your throat soft and elongated. Relax your eyes and keep your brain passive.



        1. Stand in Tadasan. Separate your legs to a distance of 30cm (1ft). Keep your feet parallel to each other, with the toes pointing forward. Pull up your kneecaps.

        2. Inhale and raise your arms toward the ceiling, your palms facing forward. Push your spine up.

        3. Bend from the waist toward the floor. To increase the stretch of your spine, vital for correct practice, press your heels down on the floor.

        4. Rest the crown of your head on the blocks in front of you, and place your palms on the blocks beside your feet. Pull in your kneecaps. Extend your hamstrings and pull your inner legs upward. Feel one single stretch from the crown of your head to your heels. Hold the pose for 1 minute